507th Parachute Infantry Regiment

  • Robert W. Ahlgrim

Robert Ahlgrim was born in 1917 to Colorado and died on Thursday, July 4th1944 during the airborne operation in Normandy, France.

His parents was Frederick and Mary Ahlgrim.This father was mason.

After finished 2 years of studies at the secondary school, Robert Ahlgrim enlisted in the Army on April 2nd, 1942 to the Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana.

He goes volunteer for the paratroopers and joins the HQ Company to the 2ndBattalion of the 507thPIR, 82ndAirborne.

Sergeant Ahlgrim is buried in the American Cemetery of Normandy, in Colleville-sur-mer, France. Plot D, Row 23, Grave 11.